Beware & Be Polite To Hikers Please be reminded that there are lots of hikers on the trails and please be considerate and mindful to other people on the trails.

Cup/bottle Disposable cups are not provided, please bring along your own cup/ bottle in order to enjoy the different kinds of beverages.

Race Bib Race bib to be worn on Front of you but not on your back. Number bib cannot be cut or altered and whole number MUST visible clearly from the front.

Start On Time Anyone arriving more than 15 minutes after official start will NOT be allowed to start and will be classified as DNS (Did Not Start).

Protest Any protests must be made within 30 minutes of finishing and HKD100 fee will be collected at command centre of finish line.

Amendment $200 will be charged for amendment each time.

Passing When passing please yell out and give signal to runner in front of you “Passing on your left or passing on your right”.

Final Decision Race Director has final decision on all matters.

Entry The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse entry for any reason; The registration fee is non-negotiable and non-refundable once paid.

Rules Runners got caught breaching competition rules as noted below will be disqualified immediately
a) Refuse to stop the race and be collected when passing the cut-off time;
b) Refusing to follow the competition rules and guidelines;
c) Littering;
d) Disrespect the race organizing committee;
e) Not step on along designed course or run short-cuts;
f) No pacers allowed and supporter(s) of the runner must stay within 50 meters of water checkpoint only and cannot give drinks, food or any kind of support along course.

Race pack pick up
Date and time of collection: To be confirmed
Venue: Blue Mountain Sports (Room 1111, 11/F, Pakpolee Commercial Centre, 1A-1K Sai Yeung Choi South Street, MongKok, Hong Kong)

Luggage/ drop bag at start point Each participant can storage one luggage before the race and the luggage will be transferred to finish point, luggage tag with bib number is provided for each participants for easy verification of your luggage . (The organizer has no liability for any loss and damage of your personal belongings, suggest you to take along any valuable belonging with you.)

Race suspension policy The organizer reserves the right to cancel or cut short the event for the following reasons:
  • Weather: adverse weather conditions.
  • Others: landslides, rockfalls or hill fires along the course; protests or blockage along the course force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organizer and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock outs or disorder, blocked or inaccessible roads or trail
No Refunds will be provided for any reason of cancellation or postpone.