  1. I confirm that I am entering RUN Charity Race 2024 of my own volition.
  2. In consideration of my participation to RUN Charity Race 2024 (the “Event”), I agree to this release of claims, waiver of liability and assumption of risk.
  3. I agree and accept that the Event organizer has the right to reject any entry, issue special invitations, cancel the race, expand or further limit the field, or adjust the entry procedures.
  4. I understand the demanding physical nature of the Event. I declare, as a condition of entry to the Event, that I have sufficiently trained for this Event and that I am not aware of any illness, injury or any other physical disability which may cause me injury or death while participating in the Event. I certify that I am physically and mentally capable of participating the Event and I have already taken proper measures against the potential risks of the Event.
  5. In the event that I become aware of any medical condition or impairment or am otherwise sick or injured prior to or during the Event, I will withdraw from the Event.
  6. I acknowledge and understand that whilst participating in the Event:
    · I may be injured, physically or mentally, or may die from various causes including, but not limited to, over exertion, dehydration, cardiac arrest, accidents with other participants, spectators and road users or accidents caused by my own actions.
    · My personal property may be lost or damaged;
    · I may cause injury to other persons or damage their property.
    · The conditions in which the Event is conducted may vary without warning;
    · I may be in a remote or isolated location where access to medical support may be limited and take significant time to reach me. There may be no or inadequate facilities for treatment or transport of me if I am injured;
    · I assume the risk and responsibility for any injury, death or property damage resulting from my participation in the Event

  7. I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless the Event organizers, its directors, sponsors and partners, employees and contributors, and all other associations, sanctioning bodies, and all their respective agents, officials, servants, contractors, representatives, elected and appointed officials, successors, volunteers, contractors, public bodies, and landholders from and against any and all present and future claims, demands, right or cause of action, lawsuits, expenses, costs and proceedings of any nature whatsoever which may be made by me or anyone entitled to act on my behalf or by other parties for or in respect of or arising out of any injury, loss, damage or death caused to me or my property as a result of my entry or participation in the Event and notwithstanding that same may have been contributed to, or occasioned by, the negligence of any of the aforesaid.
  8. I agree that if I am injured or require medical assistance the Event Organizers can at my cost arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation as deemed necessary by the Event Organizers. I agree that I am responsible for my own medical insurance. 
  9. I confirm to participate in the Event with my accurate personal information and agree to provide correct and valid ID/passport to verify my personal details to the Event organizers and agree to take full responsibility of any consequences resulting from incorrect or invalid personal details;
  10. I agree and accept that as on-site licensed medical staff determine that I’m not fit to continue the race, I might be removed from participation in the race. I acknowledge and understand that the Event organizer will defer to the expert opinion of the licensed medical staff and will not undertake responsibility for such a decision.
  11. I fully understand and accept all rules stipulated by the organizers and all related bodies: I have read, agree and accept the event rules and regulations;
    · I agree to not damage, cover or alter my bib in any way before or during the Event;
    · I confirm to enter the Event in my own name and will not transfer my number bib or timing device to others for any purpose;
    · I acknowledge that the Event Organizer may change the advertised course without notice if the Event Organizer deems this necessary;
    · If the race is to be postponed due to unforeseeable reasons, notification of the rescheduled date will be provided on event official website;
    · I acknowledge that the Event Organizer may cancel the Event due to weather conditions, safety considerations or terrorism or ‘acts of god’;

  12. I grant permission and assign all rights, title and interest to the Event organizer to utilize my personal information I have provided in the entry form, image, name, voice, photographs, video, multimedia or film likeness of my participation in the Event in any and all organization, marketing and promotion activities of the Event without payment or compensation including but not limited to in any form in broadcasts, newspapers, brochures, promotional material and other media. I grant the rights to the Event organizer authorize Event sponsors of aforesaid rights.
  13. In case of any dispute, the Event organizer reserves the right of final decision.
  14. I have read and agree to all terms and conditions listed above.
This Waiver has been translated into Chinese. In the event of any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version prevails.