Race support – for your safety, boat or kayak support are required for Cold Half 15km solo or relay. You are welcome to arrange your own support, or the organizer can help you arrange as long as supplies are available.  The fees are listed below for your reference.  During the registration process, please indicate what you need, and the organizer will contact you directly about arrangements and payment after you’ve successfully registered for the race. 

 Cold Half 15公里賽事的安全支援 -單人和雙人接力都必須有安全船或皮划艇支援。您可以自行安排船隻和支援人員,也可由主辦單位協助您安排。費用參考如下。 請按照您的需求選擇,主辦單位將在您成功報名後就具體安排及付款事宜直接與您聯絡。

Motorboat rental安全船租賃 - $4000
Double-kayak rental + Kayaker hire雙人皮划艇租賃+划艇員 - $1700
Double-kayak rental only僅雙人皮划艇租賃 - $700
Single kayak rental only僅單人皮划艇租賃 - $500

Feel free to write to Shu or Henry, if you have any questions:
Shu Pu: shu@avra.cc  Phone/Whatsapp: +852 5199 3314
Henry Wright: www.26coaching.com  Phone/Whatsapp: +852 5692 2908