Due to ongoing road closures, the race route has been revised. Please note the following changes.
Elite 精英組 (35 km)
Challenge 挑戰組 (27 km)
Download GPX file:
Elite 精英組 (35 km)
Challenge 挑戰組 (27 km)
Location and closing time of the CP:
CP1:Wu Kau Tang Road 14:00 close
CP2:Luk Keng 16:30 close
Finish:Kong Ha Au BBQ Site 27km 17:30 / 35km 18:00 close
Elite 精英組 (35 km)
Challenge 挑戰組 (27 km)
Download GPX file:
Elite 精英組 (35 km)
Challenge 挑戰組 (27 km)
Location and closing time of the CP:
CP1:Wu Kau Tang Road 14:00 close
CP2:Luk Keng 16:30 close
Finish:Kong Ha Au BBQ Site 27km 17:30 / 35km 18:00 close