The 9 Dragons 2025 - Team Member Substitution
The 9 Dragons 2025 - Team Member Substitution

Prices include VAT

100.00 HKD

Please enter name and Signup ID of original registrant. Also, the name, gender, date of birth, mobile no., passport issuer, place of residence, email, emergency contact (name and number), bib name format & T-shirt or hoody size of the substitute. 請輸入原本跑手的姓名和報名編號。還有替代者的姓名、性別、出生日期、手機號碼、護照發行地、居住地、電郵、緊急聯絡(電話和號碼) 、號碼布名字顯示方式及T恤或衛衣尺碼。

Select the quantity you want (and variant), and add the item to your shopping basket. When you are done shopping, proceed to the shopping basket for payment.