23 January 2022 -
22 February 2022

報名費用:  HKD 180
Registration Fee: HKD 180 

賽事組別: (歲數以2022年2月22號為準)

1.公開男子/女子組 (45歲以下)
2.壯年男子/女子組 (45歲或以上)

Category groups: (age on race period end date: 22 February 2022)

1. Open Male / Female (below 45)
2. Senior Male / Female (45 or above)​

賽事規則及強制裝備:  參看頁 "賽事規則"
​Regulation and Mandatory Gear : See here


GPX File on Google Doc: download here

 Event information
23 January 2022
22 February 2022
香港仔郊野公園傷健樂園 Aberdeen Country Park PHAB BBQ site
Hong Kong
See map below
Registration is closed

Air One

In case of questions about the event please contact Air One:


Victoria 10 Virtual - Dutch Lane 飛越荷蘭徑 2022

  • 香港仔郊野公園傷健樂園 Aberdeen Country Park PHAB BBQ site
  • Hong Kong