DO NOT use this portal for submitting results if you complete the whole course in a single attempt. Such results should be submitted to Live Trail. 如果您是以”一次性”方式完成Flex, 請勿使用此網站提交結果, ”一次性” 完賽成績應該在Live Trail 提交。
Results Submission procedure for course completion in two or more runs 以‘階段式’完成賽事的提交程序(跑了兩次或以上完成Flex的參加者)
1. You should only submit results when you have completed the whole course. 您需要完成整個Flex後才提交結果。
2. Click on the 'Enter result' tab and log in using your personal edit code. 點擊“輸入成績”選項, 然後使用您的編輯代碼登入。
3. You may upload a 'selfie' if you wish, but there is no obligation to do so. 您可以上傳自拍照, 但並非必須。
4. For each run enter the date, distance, elapsed time and a 'public' web link to your recorded GPS track. 在上載每階段的跑步記錄中, 您均需要輸入日期, 距離, 使用時間及GPS追蹤連結, 請把您的GPS追蹤記錄設定為‘公開’。
5. Ditances entered should corespond with the official distance of the trail, which may be a bit different to that calculated by your track. 輸入的距離應與官方的距離對應, 該距離可能與您的賽道計算出的距離略有不同。
6. After entering all runs go to the "My overview' tab to check the total distance matches the official total for the course (103km for Full or 56km for The Half). 在輸入所有分段後, 請點擊“My overview”檢查距離, 確保您已完成整條Flex指定路線的總距離(“全程”為103公里,“半程”為56公里)。
7. At this point your result will be flagged as 'Finished but not complete' or DNC. 此時, 您的結果將被標記為“完成但不完整”或DNC。
8. Race Timing Solutions will review your result and update its status to Finished once verified 將審核您的成績, 並在驗證後將其狀態更新為“完成”。
Hong Kong Trail Racing
In case of questions about the event please contact Hong Kong Trail Racing: