Title Sponsor
由「Camp Quality」冠名贊助,「香港女子健跑會」主辦的女子童樂跑 2018 (Ladies,Lads & Lassies 2018) ,將於8月26日舉行。賽事過往30年於山頂舉行,今年將移師到新地點 - 馬鞍山海濱長廊。賽事除分為3公里兒童、青少年組外,更新増5公里成人女子組,個人組別同時亦可爭奪隊際賽奬項。跑手完賽後更可參與練力帶示範及其他在場活動放鬆一下。
The Hong Kong Ladies Road Runners Club’s summer race - Ladies Lads & Lassies Race will be held on 26th August 2018 - at a new location - the Ma On Shan Promenade. This is a flat, fast course suitable for all abilities - junior distance (3km), adult ladies distance (5km). There is also a team option this year. Runners are welcome to join in the theraband demonstration and other activities at Marine Plaza after the racing to unwind and relax.

Race venue:

Route Map: