Peng Chau Challenge is an Open Water Swim Race to be held on 5th November 2023, Sunday. The race has 3 distances to choose among: 1.7km, 3.4km and around the island 5.5km.
Swimmers will have the opportunity to swim in the clear water along the shore of Peng Chau Island. All finishers will receive a souvenir!
坪洲環島泳賽 為公開水域泳賽 ,將於假期2023年11月5日( 星期日)舉行。 此游泳比賽設有 1.7公里,3.4公里和環島5.5公里。

About Peng Chau 關於坪洲
Half an hour away from Central, Peng Chau is one of the most relax outer islands. With scenic treks, ancient relics, traditional temples, strong community vibes and no cars in sight, steeping ashre on this tranquil island feels like travelling back in time to old Hong Kong.
坪洲為不足一平方公里的小島,從繁華的中環船程只需半小時可到達。坪洲充滿休閒舒適鄉土風味,擁有山徑 及海灘,具有傳統歷史的廟宇以及漁村的風味, 與繁華市區形成強烈對比, 加上本地各種具有特色餐廳和食肆, 實屬週末度假的好去處。
Please refer for more details 詳情可參閱網頁介紹: (粵語) (ENGLISH)
Race Schedule 比賽時間表
Open Water Swim Race 公開水域泳賽 - 1.7KM
08:15 - 8:55 Registration* 登記* (Exit of Ferry Pier Open Area 坪洲碼頭對開空地)
09:00 Race Briefing 賽事講解 (Exit of Ferry Pier Open Area 坪洲碼頭對開空地)
09:15 Race Water Start 水中起步
10:30 Award ceremony 頒獎 (Exit of Ferry Pier Open Area 坪洲碼頭對開空地)
Open Water Swim Race 公開水域泳賽 - 3.4KM & 5.5KM
09:00 - 9:45 Registration* 登記* (Exit of Ferry Pier Open Area 坪洲碼頭對開空地)
09:50 Race Briefing 賽事講解 (Exit of Ferry Pier Open Area 坪洲碼頭對開空地)
10:00 Race Water Start 水中起步
12:00 Award ceremony 頒獎 (Exit of Ferry Pier Open Area 坪洲碼頭對開空地)
1.7km Challenge:
AG 年齡組別: 13&Under, 14-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
3.4km Challenge:
AG 年齡組別: 13&Under, 14-16, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
5.5km Challenge:
AG 年齡組別: 16&Under, 17-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60&over, Male and Female
*Age group based on age on the race date 年齡組別將會以參賽者與比賽日的年齡計算
After Race 賽後安排
Finishers medal, water and snack will be provided. 大㑹提供完賽獎牌、水和小食。
Medals/prizes 獎牌 /獎項
Medals/prizes to top 3 participants in each AG category. 獎牌 /獎項予組別頭三位泳手。
Club/Team Scoring 泳會 / 泳隊計分制
To foster healthy competition among clubs, there is a club scoring system as follows:
- Swimmers can register under a Club/Team
- At each event, each club participant will earn 1 point to finish the race
- 1st AG placer, 2nd AG placer, and 3rd AG placer will earn 3, 2, and 1 points respectively
- Overall female/male winner will receive an additional 3 points
- At the end of the year, awards will be given to the top 3 clubs with the most points. The swimmer with the top scores will receive the Best Swimmer Award
為了鼓勵團隊合作及良性運動競技, 今年起增設泳會 / 泳隊計分制,如下:
- 每位泳手登記比賽時,可提供所屬泳會 / 泳隊
- 每場比賽完結後, 所有參賽泳手會為所屬泳會 / 泳隊得到 1 分
- 所有年齡組別前三名可為所屬泳會 / 泳隊 分別得到 3 / 2 / 1 分
- 年終游泳系列完結後,得分最高 泳會 / 泳隊 3 位 可得獎項 , 得分最高泳手可獲最佳泳手獎