16 February 2024 -
18 February 2024

See 9 DRAGONS event web site for more race information

Cancellation and Refund Policy

The official hotel is Regal Riverside, if you would like to make a booking click HERE to enjoy 9% discount

The official registration period is now CLOSED. A few bibs have been reserved for late entries on a first-come, first-served basis. A late entry surcharge of $50 per person applies. Late entries will receive a race number bib, but it will not be personalized with a bib name. Also, a finisher's tee / hoodie cannot be guaranted in the correct size or indeed in any size. Their issue to late entries will be subject to availability.  

正式報名現已結束。我們以先到先得形式為後期報名的參加者保留了一些號碼布。每人需多付 50 港元的報名費。後期報名的參加者會收到比賽號碼布,但是不會印有自訂名稱。另外,我們亦無法保証完賽者的 T 恤/ 連帽衫的尺寸能按參加者的選擇而提供,會以實際供應情況而定。

 Event information
16 February 2024
18 February 2024
Registration is closed
50 km
Starts at 07:30

Price per participant
Through Dec 14, 2023 650.00 HKD
From Dec 15, 2023 750.00 HKD
From Feb 1, 2024 800.00 HKD
50 Miles
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Dec 14, 2023 950.00 HKD
From Dec 15, 2023 1,050.00 HKD
From Feb 1, 2024 1,100.00 HKD
Starts at 23:59

Price per participant
Through Dec 14, 2023 1,500.00 HKD
From Dec 15, 2023 1,700.00 HKD
From Feb 1, 2024 1,750.00 HKD
Starts at 23:59

Price per team
Through Dec 14, 2023 3,000.00 HKD
From Dec 15, 2023 3,400.00 HKD
From Feb 1, 2024 3,500.00 HKD

RaceBase Asia

In case of questions about the event please contact RaceBase Asia:
