2 July 2023

如果報名於6 月27日至29日, 請在30日領取


喜跑 Gone Running

​2023 年 6 月 28 日至 6 月 30 日

​營業時間  12:00 - 20:00
地址 : 灣仔莊士敦道137號新盛商業大廈3樓

If you registered in 27th to 29th June, please pickup race pack on the 30th June

Race Pack Pick Up 
Gone Running
Jun 28  - Jun 30,  2023

Hours: 12:00 - 20:00

Address: 3/F, Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.
(Wan Chai MTR A3 exit turn left then walk 20m)

Victoria 10 - Dutch Lane 2023 - we are back in physical form!  After 3 years of pandemic, and 2 virtual editions, we simply cannot wait to bring the excitement of a short physical trail sprint back to life! 

Victoria 10 - 飛越荷蘭徑 2023  回歸實體! 經歷了整整3年的疫情,兩次的虛擬賽,我們急不及待將短途實體賽的刺激好玩,再度在夏日呈現給大家!


 Event information
02 July 2023
Aberdeen Country Park P.H.A.B BBQ Site
傷健樂園燒烤場 香港仔郊野公園
Hong Kong
See map below
Registration is closed

Air One

In case of questions about the event please contact Air One:

Victoria 10 - Dutch Lane 飛越荷蘭徑 2023

  • Aberdeen Country Park P.H.A.B BBQ Site
  • 傷健樂園燒烤場 香港仔郊野公園
  • Hong Kong