feetures RUNNING CHALLENGE是一個追求目標的Running Event.
Feetures是一個運動襪的美國品牌, 並榮獲 Runner’s World 年度推薦最佳長跑襪及美國 No.1 銷售運動襪.
藉著這次活動希望令更多跑手認識及體驗到這個品牌的產品, 活動於5月份疫情緩和後舉行, 期望大家都可以有一個新的開始, 一個 #新腳感體驗!
報名日期: 2022年5月5日-6月26日
活動及上載成績日期: 2022年5月5日-6月27日
玩法: 於活動期間以運動手錶或跑步App嘅一次性跑步紀錄作為計算, 活動分為兩組: 1小時組或2小時組。
- 計算1小時或以內之跑步紀錄 (3秒作為誤差時間), 如紀錄的時間顯示為1:00:04或以上, 將不作計算
- 最少需提交半小時或以上之跑步紀錄, 如提交之跑步紀錄為00:29:59或以下亦不作計算
金章: 1小時內完成14公里或以上
銀章: 1小時內完成12-13.99公里
銅章: 1小時內完成9-11.99公里
金章: 1小時內完成13公里或以上
銀章: 1小時內完成11-12.99公里
銅章: 1小時內完成8-10.99公里
- 計算2小時或以內之跑步紀錄 (3秒作為誤差時間), 如紀錄的時間顯示為2:00:04或以上, 將不作計算
- 最少需提交1小時或以上之跑步紀錄, 如提交之跑步紀錄為00:59:59或以下將計算為1小時組
金章: 2小時內完成27公里或以上
銀章: 2小時內完成23-26.99公里
銅章: 2小時內完成18-22.99公里
金章: 2小時內完成24公里或以上
銀章: 2小時內完成20-23.99公里
銅章: 2小時內完成15-19.99公里

參加禮品 (可到銅鑼灣The Pallet領取):
1) feetures 運動襪 x1
(襪子顏色為隨機派發, 不可更換, 圖片只供參考, 實物有機會與圖片顏色不乎)
2) 寶礦力水特500ml x1
3) soyjoy能量棒 x1
4) The Pallet 折扣優惠
5) JBL指定耳機折扣優惠
6) Feetures Running Challange號碼卡+折扣優惠
7) 健盈藥貼 x1
完成禮品 (可到觀塘The Pallet領取):
1) 完成紀念頭巾 ×1
2) 運動帽 x1
3) 電子完成證書
4) 目標完成襟章 (金/銀/銅) x1
報名費: HK$150
(首100名參加者可獲贈防水袋 10cm x 10cm x 20cm, 顏色隨機派發, 送完即止)

The Pallet (銅鑼灣店)
領取時間 (星期一至星期日):
The Pallet (觀塘店)
領取時間 (星期一至星期五):
星期六, 日及公眾假期休息
所有參加者需在05/05/2022 - 13/06/2022內完成指定虛擬跑活動及上載於以下網址。(https://raceresults.com.hk/event/240/addresult)
(1) 編輯代碼 (在收據上面有顯示)
(2) 完成比賽的截圖紀錄及連結 (最多只上載3張相)

1. 參加者須依照指示一次過完成活動,參與次數不限,但只可上載紀錄一次,主辦單位理解不同手錶及手機所記錄的路線及距離有所差異,在核實成績將有一定程度的彈性處理。
2. 路線沿途不設補給站。建議參加者帶備不少於2000ml飲料及適量食物補充,或安排支援,是次活動准許其他人沿途進行支援。請帶備身份證、少量現金($200)、八達通及設本地通訊的手提電話。
3. 進入私人屋村時請儘量保持安靜,避免喧嘩或影響當地居民。
4. 參加者留意限聚令,請保持社交距離, 請在運動時仍然需要戴口罩的。
5. 參加者橫過馬路時必須遵守交通指示及留意路面情況,務必注意安全。
6. 參加者如遇惡劣天氣及身體如有不適,請立即停止活動。
7. 大會建議參加者自行購買個人意外保險,大會對參加者安全一概不負責任。
8. 大會保留對所有參加者資格、修改及解釋以上規則的權利的最終決定權。
9. 所有報名不設退款及不設轉讓。
10. 16歲以下參賽者需家長同意方可參加, 並於活動當日必須有教練陪同下參與
ig: https://instagram.com/feetures_running_challenge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/feeturesrunningchallenge/
查詢電郵: feeturesrunningchallenge@gmail.com
feetures RUNNING CHALLENG is a goal-seeking running event.
As an American running socks brand, feetures is recognized by Runner’s World with the Best for Long Runs Award – Runner’s World 2022 and also earned the position as American’s No. 1 Running Sock Brand by market share.
feetures would like to give everyone best wishes for a new start with the recent slow down of the Covid, so together with the Runners, we co-create a brand new #good-foot experience by feetures!
Registration period: May 5-June 26, 2022
Challenge time and Results upload period: May 5-June 27, 2022
How does it work: During the challenge, distance run will be counted based on a one-time running record by sports watches or running app. The Challenge is divided into two groups: 1-Hour Challenge OR 2-Hours Challenge.
1-Hour Challenge:
- Count the distance run for 1 hour or less (3 second allowance) ; if the finish time is displayed as 1:00:04 or more, the distance of that run will not be counted
- Count the distance run if can reach minimum requirement of half an hour; if the finish time displayed is 00:29:59 or less, the distance of that run will not be counted
Medal - Men:
Gold: 14km or more in 1 hour
Silver: 12-13.99 km in 1 hour
Bronze: 9-11.99 km in 1 hour
Medal - Women:
Gold: 13km or more in 1 hour
Silver: 11-12.99 km in 1 hour
Bronze: 8-10.99 km in 1 hour
2-Hours Challenge:
- Count the distance run for 2 hours or less (3 second allowance), if the finish time is displayed as 2:00:04 or more, the distance of that run will not be counted
- Count the distance run if can reach minimum requirement of 1 hour; if the finish time is 00:59:59 or below, the distance run will be counted into the group of 1-hour distance run
Medal - Men:
Gold: 27km or more in 2 hours
Silver: 23-26.99 km in 2 hours
Bronze: 18-22.99 km in 2 hours
Medal- Women:
Gold: 24km or more in 2 hours
Silver: 20-23.99 km in 2 hours
Bronze: 15-19.99 km in 2 hours

Participant Gifts (Pick up at The Pallet, Causeway Bay)
1) feetures Running socks x1
(the socks’ color is distributed at The Pallet discretion upon stock availability and cannot be changed or revoked; picture is for reference only and colors of the socks may be different in real from the picture.)
2) Pocari Sweat Ion Supply Drink 500ml x1
3) Soyjoy Energy Bar x1
4) The Pallet discount voucher
5) JBL discount voucher (specified earphone models)
6) feetures RUNNER CHALLENGE Bib Card + gift voucher
7) Singapore Keane Pain Relief Patch ×1
Finisher Gifts: (Pick up at The Pallet, Kwun Tong)
1) Commemorative Race Scarf ×1
2) Visor ×1
3) E-Certificate of Completion x1
4) Award Badge (Gold/Silver/Bronze) x1
Registration Fee: HK$150
(Water Resistant Bag 10cm x 10cm x 20cm is a gift for the first 100 participant, the bag’s color is distributed randomly)

Runner's participant gifts pack collection:
The Pallet (Causeway Bay)
Date : May 5 - June 26, 2022
Address : L1013, 10/F Hysan Place, No. 500, Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Business Time (Monday to Sunday) :
Runner's finisher gifts pack collection:
The Pallet (Kwun Tong)
Date : Jun 1 - 30, 2022
Address : Room 111, 1/F, Shing Yip Building, 19-21 Shing Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
Business Time (Monday to Friday) :
(Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday)
Event rules:
Participants should complete virtual run between 5/5/2022 and 13/6/2022 in one go and upload your RESULT to the URL below.
Please provide:
(1) Edit code (shown on the receipt)
(2) Screencap of record / result and the link (only 3 photos can be uploaded)

Terms & Conditions
1. Participants are required to complete the event in one go. While participants can have more than one attempts, the result and record upload can only be made once. The Organizer understands the variations may arise from routes and distances recorded by different watches and mobile phones, hence organizer reserves the room to verify the results with flexibility.
2. There are no aid stations along the route. Participants are recommended to bring no less than 2000ml of drinks and appropriate amount of food supplements, or to arrange support if needed, as we allow third parties to support along the way of your challenge. Please bring your ID card, a small amount of cash ($200), OCTOPUS and a mobile phone with local network.
3. Please keep quiet when entering or passing through the private village, avoid the disturbance or disruption to the residents.
4. Participants should be aware of social distancing restrictions. Please keep social distance even exercising. Please wear your mask when exercising.
5. Participants must follow traffic instructions and pay attention to road conditions when crossing the road, safety comes first.
6. Please stop any activities immediately in case of bad weather and physical discomfort.
7. The organizer recommends all participants should purchase their own personal accidental insurance. We are not responsible for the safety of participants.
8. The organizer reserves the final right to determine on participants’ qualifications, and the modifications and interpretation on event rules or terms and conditions.
9. All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.
10. Participants under the age of 16 need parental consent to participate the event, and must be accompanied by a coach on the day of the event.
For latest updates and more event details, please visit our IG and facebook page:
ig: https://instagram.com/feetures_running_challenge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/feeturesrunningchallenge/
Enquiry Email: feeturesrunningchallenge@gmail.com
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 150.00 HKD |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 150.00 HKD |
Zuni Marketing Ltd
In case of questions about the event please contact Zuni Marketing Ltd:
feeturesrunningchallenge@gmail.com |