HOKA 一直連繫著大家,與您互相啟發去感受疾走如飛的感覺!
HOKA Virtual Half Marathon於2021年10月再度回歸,與眾多跑手再次挑戰自我,及享受跑步的樂趣。
HOKA stands as a community to inspire individuals “to fly over the earth”!
HOKA Virtual Half Marathon 2021 will be back on 28 Oct until 29 Nov,2021.It’s a great chance for runner to challenge own abilities , and also feel the joy of running.
Participants will get various souvenir and special discount by registering this event.
Participant needs to complete to event between 28 Oct to 29 Nov, 2021, for the following distances: 10km (Any route, and need to complete minimum of 10Km) or 21km (Need to complete designated route at Pak Tam Chung, Sai Kung) in one time, and upload the result with time, photo, and Strava link.
** 10公里參加者,請選擇香港郊野公園以外範圍作為路線。
** 10Km participants, please select route outside Hong Kong Country Park area.
選手包及活動後禮品 Race Pack, and Post Event Gifts:
活動後禮品包括 Post event gifts includes
1. HOKA Virtual Half Marathon 紀念tee souvenir tee (價值 Value: HKD$450)
2. HOKA 紀念鞋袋 Shoe Bag(價值 Value: HKD$300)
3. 完成電子証書 E-Finisher Certificate (完成並提交活動記錄後下載 Participant can download after submit the activity record)
* 首2000名報名參加者可於領取選手包時, 優先領取HOKA 紀念鞋袋 。(只限於Cam2領取)
* First 2000 participants registered can pick up the shoe bag during race pack pick up.(Pick up at Cam2 only)

選手包包括 Race pack includes
1. 號碼布 Bib
2. $50 Cam2 現金劵 Cash Voucher X 2
3. Cam2 $100 運動鞋現金券 Cash Voucher for Shoes
4. amino VITAL 7折優惠劵 30% off discount coupon
5. (首100名參加者 First 100 participants ) T8 多功能頭巾 Multi function Neck Gaiter (價值 Value: HKD$48)
6. (第101至1100參加者 101th-1100th participants) KT Tape 試用裝 Sample pack
7. (第1101至1290參加者 1101th-1290th participants) Em's Power Cookie Bar

組別及報名費 Category & Registration Fee:
報名日期 Registration Period: 2021年10月8日至11月29日8 Oct – 29 Nov, 2021
報名費Registration Fee: $320
(郵寄選手包及活動後禮品到香港以外地區郵費 額外$120
Extra $120 for sending race pack items and post event gifts outside Hong Kong)
組別Category: 21公里組 (指定路線)21Km Category(Designated route), 10公里組(不限路線)10Km Category(Any route)
路線資料 Course:
10公里 Km
Participant can run anywhere with minimum distance of 10Km
21Km course starts from Outside of Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site and passes through West Dam and bottom of East Dam and return back to the outside of Pak Tam Chung PHAB Site.

獎項及獎品 Awards & Prizes:
21公里 男子及女子首名可各得Polar Grit X Pro手錶一隻 (價值$4480)
The top Men and the women of 21Km Category will award a Polar Grit X Pro (Value$4480)
21公里組最快男子及女子首六名均可獲得 $1000 HOKA運動鞋現金劵、HOKA限量版貨車帽一頂及T8 Iced tee一件
Top 6 men runners & top 6 women runners of 21Km Category will receive $1000 HOKA shoes cash voucher, Limited Edition HOKA Trucker Hat, and T8 Iced tee.