好消息,現凡報名彌.澳 Nei O Virtual Race 即可選擇超輕透氣速乾紀念運動背心或INCYLENCE運動襪一對,未報名嘅朋友仔仲唔快啲報名。 (已報名參加者可有一次機會修改禮品)
Good NEWS : Register the Nei O Virtual Race and you can choose the ultra light and breathable souvenir-vest OR a pair of INCYLENCE sport socks. What are you waiting for? See you on the trail!
( Registered runners are allowed to change the souvenir( vest / socks) ONCE! )
彌.澳 Nei O Virtual Race
彌.澳 - 彌勒山位於大嶼山昂坪天壇大佛的北面,海拔高度751米,是香港第八高的山峰,從彌勒山頂可欣賞到景觀多元,無論是天壇大佛(維修中的大佛別具特色),昂坪市集、寶蓮禪寺、石壁水塘或是迎面而來的機場、大橋景致,還是毗鄰的鳳凰、大東等等一覽無遺。水鄉風貌自成一格的大澳是香港最古老的漁村之一,是一條風土味十足的小漁村,是我們耳熟能詳的水鄉、東方威尼斯。
為鼓勵各界參與,大會設有男/女組別奬項(男/女各五個組別,每個組別設有冠亞季軍),另設創意攝影獎項(三名)及創意無限號碼布設計奬項(五名),奬品豐富仲唔極速報名! (詳情連結)
New coming virtual event | Nei O is taking you through a breathtaking and inspiring route on our Lantau island. Nei Lak Shan(also known as Buddha Hill) is the 8th highest mountain in Hong Kong. With a height of 751m, it is located on Lantau Island north of the Ngong Ping (Pixel) Buddha. The scenes are diverse and spectacular along the course. The course starts from the Tung O Ancient Trail, passes through the Oriental Venice-Tai O, Ngong Ping Village, the Big Buddha and Nei Lak Shan, then runs into the Fat Mun Ancient Path til Shek Mun Kap. Stunning scenes of Lantau Island coastline, Shek Pik Reservoir, airport, Sunset Peak and the Lantau Peak etc, can be seen throughout the course.
Participants are required to finish the course individually. Starting from the Hau Wong Temple in the Tung O Ancient Trail to the finishing point in Shek Mun Kap, total elevation will be 1277 meter. The course can be finished under one-time completion or segmented completion.There will be ranking awards for the top 3 of each category accordingly (male and female).
And we have specially set up the new awards for the most creative self-design number bib (5 ranking) and the most creative photography contest (3 ranking). See you online ! (see details below)
我們強烈建議您和您的支援隊伍成員購買自己的人身意外傷害保險。(詳情請參閱IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE重要注意事項及Liability and Insurance 責任和保險))
The course starts from the Tung O Ancient Trail( Hau Wong Temple public toilet), passes through the scenic Tung O Ancient Trail, Tai O, Keung Shan, Kwun Yam Shan, Ngong Ping village, Nei Lak Shan, and Fat Mun Ancient Path. Some routes encounter wild routes and pedestrian sections. Running across the two Ancient trails and enjoying the featured views from the Oriental Venice, the Big Buddha and Nei Lak Shan on Lantau East at the same time! This is the race for both new and experienced trail runners to compete with those in their confidence in a light to medium length.
Please join at your own risk and capability, runners are also needed to prepare sufficient food and drinks replenishment for self supply. Basic first-aid kit is necessary in the race. (Warm reminder: Run during daytime, avoid the nighttime or under any extreme/unstable weather. Be responsible for your health and safety! Make sure the GPS and tracking system are in function while running.
We strongly advise runners and supporting teams purchase personal insurance in advance. (Please refer to the details in ‘ IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE, LIABILITY AND INSURANCE’

(1)一次性完成 One-time completion
起點 Start point:東澳古道候王廟公廁 Tung-O Ancient Trail Hau Wong Temple Public Toilet - 䃟頭 San Tau - 沙螺灣村公廁 Sha Lo Wan Village Public Toilet - 深屈 Sham Wat - 東澳古道 Tung-O Ancient Trail - 新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge- 吉慶街 Kat Hing St - 大澳梁屋兒童遊樂場 Leung Uk Children’s Playground Tai O - 羌山郊遊徑 Keung Shan Country Trail - 羌山 Keung Shan - 深屈道 Sham Wat Rd - 昂平路 Ngong Ping Rd - 昂坪360救援徑 Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail - 彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan - 法門古道 Fat Mun Ancient Path - 終點 Finish point :石門甲 Shek Mun Kap
(2)分段完成 Segmented completion
第1段起點 Start point:東澳古道候王廟公廁 Tung-O Ancient Trail Hau Wong Temple Public Toilet - 䃟頭 San Tau - 沙螺灣村公廁 Sha Lo Wan Village Public Toilet - 深屈 Sham Wat - 東澳古道 Tung-O Ancient Trail - 終點 Finish point :新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge (總共11公里 Total 11km)
第2段起點 Start point:新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge - 大澳梁屋兒童遊樂場 Leung Uk Children’s Playground Tai O - 羌山郊遊徑 Keung Shan Country Trail - 羌山 Keung Shan - 深屈道 Sham Wat Rd - 昂平路 Ngong Ping Rd - 昂坪360救援徑 Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail - 彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan - 法門古道 Fat Mun Ancient Path - 終點 Finish point :石門甲 Shek Mun Kap(總共18公里 Total 18km)
Participants are free to complete the two segments on any date during the race period. However, it is necessary to upload your race record within the race period (1st October - 15th November 2021). Running under no time limitation and finishing safely is the No.1 rule !
The total elevation of the whole course is 1277m. Participants can complete the course under One-time completion or Segmented completion.
For Self-supply Stations: please check the opening hours of the stores along the routes, please note that some may only open during daytime or weekends, especially the one located in Pak Mong Village. (Always wear a mask when entering any areas of the villages, including indoor public areas.)
參加者須於以下地點與號碼布拍照及上載照片(適用於一次性及分段完成之參加者)Participants are required to take pictures at the following location spot with your number bib and upload the proof in the system (Applicable for participants in both one-time and segments completion)
新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge
深屈道 Sham Wat Rt
彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan
法門古道 Fat Mun Ancient Path
AllTrails :
29km - https://www.alltrails.com/explore/map/nei-o-0ae3f79?u=m
hikingtrailhk :
29km - https://hikingtrailhk.appspot.com/s/pUBIdO
報名日期 |Registration Period
2021年8月23日至10月15日|23th August - 15th October 2021
活動進行日期 |Racing Period
2021年10月1日至10月31日|1st October - 31th October 2021
領取選手包日期 |Race pack pick-up period
2021年9月25日至10月29日(詳情連結)|25th September - 29th October 2021 (Link)
報名費 |Registration fee
Registration fee-$280. Refund is not applicable for a confirmed registration status.
選手包內有 |Race pack includes
自由創作號碼布 | Race number bib
超輕透氣速乾紀念運動背心或Incylence運動襪一對 |Ultra light and breathable souvenir-vest OR INCYLENCE sport socks *one pair
完成電子証書 |Finisher E-Certificate
阿斯麥保健產品動力Q10| aXimed Advanced Q10
阿斯麥保健產品優惠卷 | aXimed products discount voucher
運動飲品一支 | Sport drinks *one
〈〈參加者可加購運動背心或INCYLENCE運動襪一對,每位參加者只限加購一件及一對襪〉〉|Participants are limited to ONE-time additional purchase for souvenir-vest and socks.

Ultra light and breathable souvenir-vest size is not changeable after the application form submitted **on First come First served rule. Another size will be provided if the size requested is out of stock. No try-on due to the hygiene reason.
*One pair of INCYLENCE sport socks (German brand / made in Italy/) color will be shipped randomly. The size is not changeable once the application form submitted **on First come First served rule. Another size will be provided if the size requested is out of stock. No try-on due to the hygiene reason.
Exclusive limited edition Paisley Vest
Ta-dah! We are launching the limited edition Paisley vest. Participants are welcome to purchase additionally under the Nei O virtual race.

Vest additional purchase NOTICE
Please pay attention to the additional purchase of the vest and socks as it takes time to manufacture and ship. There are two schedules for the additional purchase.*
Participants can download the Finisher E-Certificate after submitting the finish time and running record online.
領取地點 丨Race Pack Collection
地點 Location:CHECK POINT - 補給站
日期 Date:2021年9月25日至10月29日 / 25th September - 29th October 2021
地址 Address:旺角通菜街123號Ladies Mall 2樓
(T.O.P及花園街政府大樓中間-入口於快富街SaSa 旁邊)
2/F, Ladies Mall, No.123 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok
(Between T.O.P & Fa Yuen Street Municipal Services Building. Entrance next to Fife Street Sasa Cosmetic store)
時間 Time:星期一至五下午午2時至8時三十分 / 星期六至日 上午11時至晚上9時
Mon-Fri 2pm - 8:30pm Sat - Sun 11am - 9pm
賽事組別 男/女 丨Category (Male /Female)
● 公開組(不設年齡限制)
● 青少年組(18-35歲)
● 壯年組(35-45歲)
● 進步組(45-55歲)
● 元老組(55歲以上)
● Open - no age limit
● Youth - 18-35
● Senior - 35-45
● Master - 45-55
● Veteran - over 55
*成績必須於2021年10月31日 23:59:59前上載。
** 主辦單位保留對獎項安排的最終決定權。
**排名成績將根據經過時間(elapsed time),移動時間(running time / moving time)不適用。
各組別冠軍可獲Topo Athletic | Ultraventure 2一對
各組別亞軍可獲Julbo 眼鏡一副
Top three places awards:
First place in each category wins ONE pair of Topo Ultraventure 2 sport shoes.
Second place in each category wins ONE pair of Julbo sport sunglasses.
Third place in each category wins ONE Ciele sport cap.
Notice for uploading and submitting the results:
*Participants must upload the results before the deadline : 23:59:59 on 31st October 2021.
**Ranking will be verified based on the submitted results and the naturerace hk reserves the rights to deny any suspicious results and implement time deduction correspondingly.
***Ranking and awards valid in one-time completion only!
** Naturerace HK reserves all rights to the final ranking results.
***All result cannot be resubmitted once verified
****The ranking result is calculated based on the elapsed-time, not the running time.
彌.澳丨攝影大獎 Nei O Photo contest
1) 只限彌·澳參加者參與
2) 拍攝之照片須顯示彌·澳號碼布
3) Inbox照片至Nei O Facebook 或Instagram (連結)
4) 把照片分享到個人Facebook 或Instagram 並設定為公開 hashtags #NeiO #NeiOvirtualrace #natureracehk #NeiOphotos
5) Like Nei O Facebook頁或 natureracehk Instagram(連結)
6) 照片須於2021年10月31日或前提交及分享
7) 無限製題材,但每位參加者最多可上載三張圖片
8) Have Fun!
Nei O Photo contest
Why not have fun in both trail running and photography? It’s your turn! We are looking forward to your stunning pictures of the trails, mountains, portraits or even funny little creatures along the Nei O trail. All participants of the Nei O virtual race are welcome to enter this photo contest. Topics and themes are limitless ! All participating photos must be related to the Nei O course only. ( Reminder : not allowed to intimate any dangerous postures! )
Get your photos with the most likes on IG / Facebook and win this contest ! Isn’t it easy ? The most liked one wins one pair of the Julio sport sunglasses, and the second place wins one set of selected Tingerlaat products while the third place wins one Tingerlaat product.
1) open to Nei O virtual race participants only
2)Nei O virtual race number bib must be showed in photos
3)Inbox the photos to Nei O Facebook or IG
4)share the photos on your facebook or IG (privacy setting: public), hashtag #NeiO#NeiOvirtualrace#natureracehk#NeiOphotos
5)Like the Nei O facebook page and natureracehk IG(link)
6)Photos must be uploaded and shared before 23:59:59 on 31 October 2021
7)Unlimited themes but each participant is allowed to upload 3 photos only !
8)Have fun !
Naturerace HK reserves all the rights to the final decision.
參加方法很簡單,每位參賽者將會收到一張印有基本資料的號碼布,參加者可自由創出號號布樣式(可繪畫丶可拼貼丶可畫法、甚至編織…等等無限形式創作),完成創作後需在進行活動期間帶上,並需將作品上載到大會email 並簡述其創作作品。詳情留意如何參加。
將會選出五名最有創意的作品,並會送出ciele 運動帽。
Creative Number Bib campaign
We are inviting you all participants to join this campaign after receiving the number bib with your basic race info. The easiest way to enter this campaign is creating your own style number bib through painting, drawing, collages, knit, crochet or any other art styles ! Wear your own style number bib with you while running the Nei O course, and then upload your masterpiece picture to the natureacehk’s email with a brief explanation of your artwork. Total five most creative works will be selected by Natureracehk and win one Ciele sport cap accordingly. Details please refer to the rules below.
1) 只限彌·澳參加者參與
2) 拍攝號碼布照片
3) Inbox照片至Nei O Facebook 或Instagram (連結)
4) 把照片分享到個人Facebook 或Instagram 並設定為公開 hashtags #NeiO #NeiOvirtualrace #natureracehk #NeiOphotos #CreativeNumberBib
5) Like Nei O Facebook頁或 natureracehk Instagram(連結)
6) 照片須於2021年10月31日或前提交及分享
7) 無限製題材,自由創作
8) Have Fun!
1)open to Nei O virtual race participants only
2)take the best photo of the finish number bib
3)Inbox the photos to Nei O Facebook or IG
4)share the photos on your facebook or IG (privacy setting: public), hashtag #NeiO #NeiOvirtualrace #natureracehk #NeiOphotos #CreativeNumberBib
5)Like the Nei O facebook page and natureracehk IG(link)
6)Photos must be uploaded and shared before 23:59:59 on 31 October 2021
7)Unlimited themes,topics and style. Create your own artwork!
8)Have fun !
Naturerace HK reserves all the rights to the final decision.
所有禮品金額總值港幣HK$40,000. 仲等緊咩, 報名啦~
All rewards and souvenirs worth a total of $40,000 hk dollars. Sign up for registration NOW !
website : https://natureracehk.wixsite.com/natureracehk
email : neiohk1277@gmail.com
Good NEWS : Register the Nei O Virtual Race and you can choose the ultra light and breathable souvenir-vest OR a pair of INCYLENCE sport socks. What are you waiting for? See you on the trail!
( Registered runners are allowed to change the souvenir( vest / socks) ONCE! )
彌.澳 Nei O Virtual Race
彌.澳 - 彌勒山位於大嶼山昂坪天壇大佛的北面,海拔高度751米,是香港第八高的山峰,從彌勒山頂可欣賞到景觀多元,無論是天壇大佛(維修中的大佛別具特色),昂坪市集、寶蓮禪寺、石壁水塘或是迎面而來的機場、大橋景致,還是毗鄰的鳳凰、大東等等一覽無遺。水鄉風貌自成一格的大澳是香港最古老的漁村之一,是一條風土味十足的小漁村,是我們耳熟能詳的水鄉、東方威尼斯。
為鼓勵各界參與,大會設有男/女組別奬項(男/女各五個組別,每個組別設有冠亞季軍),另設創意攝影獎項(三名)及創意無限號碼布設計奬項(五名),奬品豐富仲唔極速報名! (詳情連結)
New coming virtual event | Nei O is taking you through a breathtaking and inspiring route on our Lantau island. Nei Lak Shan(also known as Buddha Hill) is the 8th highest mountain in Hong Kong. With a height of 751m, it is located on Lantau Island north of the Ngong Ping (Pixel) Buddha. The scenes are diverse and spectacular along the course. The course starts from the Tung O Ancient Trail, passes through the Oriental Venice-Tai O, Ngong Ping Village, the Big Buddha and Nei Lak Shan, then runs into the Fat Mun Ancient Path til Shek Mun Kap. Stunning scenes of Lantau Island coastline, Shek Pik Reservoir, airport, Sunset Peak and the Lantau Peak etc, can be seen throughout the course.
Participants are required to finish the course individually. Starting from the Hau Wong Temple in the Tung O Ancient Trail to the finishing point in Shek Mun Kap, total elevation will be 1277 meter. The course can be finished under one-time completion or segmented completion.There will be ranking awards for the top 3 of each category accordingly (male and female).
And we have specially set up the new awards for the most creative self-design number bib (5 ranking) and the most creative photography contest (3 ranking). See you online ! (see details below)
我們強烈建議您和您的支援隊伍成員購買自己的人身意外傷害保險。(詳情請參閱IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE重要注意事項及Liability and Insurance 責任和保險))
The course starts from the Tung O Ancient Trail( Hau Wong Temple public toilet), passes through the scenic Tung O Ancient Trail, Tai O, Keung Shan, Kwun Yam Shan, Ngong Ping village, Nei Lak Shan, and Fat Mun Ancient Path. Some routes encounter wild routes and pedestrian sections. Running across the two Ancient trails and enjoying the featured views from the Oriental Venice, the Big Buddha and Nei Lak Shan on Lantau East at the same time! This is the race for both new and experienced trail runners to compete with those in their confidence in a light to medium length.
Please join at your own risk and capability, runners are also needed to prepare sufficient food and drinks replenishment for self supply. Basic first-aid kit is necessary in the race. (Warm reminder: Run during daytime, avoid the nighttime or under any extreme/unstable weather. Be responsible for your health and safety! Make sure the GPS and tracking system are in function while running.
We strongly advise runners and supporting teams purchase personal insurance in advance. (Please refer to the details in ‘ IMPORTANT POINTS TO NOTE, LIABILITY AND INSURANCE’

(1)一次性完成 One-time completion
起點 Start point:東澳古道候王廟公廁 Tung-O Ancient Trail Hau Wong Temple Public Toilet - 䃟頭 San Tau - 沙螺灣村公廁 Sha Lo Wan Village Public Toilet - 深屈 Sham Wat - 東澳古道 Tung-O Ancient Trail - 新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge- 吉慶街 Kat Hing St - 大澳梁屋兒童遊樂場 Leung Uk Children’s Playground Tai O - 羌山郊遊徑 Keung Shan Country Trail - 羌山 Keung Shan - 深屈道 Sham Wat Rd - 昂平路 Ngong Ping Rd - 昂坪360救援徑 Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail - 彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan - 法門古道 Fat Mun Ancient Path - 終點 Finish point :石門甲 Shek Mun Kap
(2)分段完成 Segmented completion
第1段起點 Start point:東澳古道候王廟公廁 Tung-O Ancient Trail Hau Wong Temple Public Toilet - 䃟頭 San Tau - 沙螺灣村公廁 Sha Lo Wan Village Public Toilet - 深屈 Sham Wat - 東澳古道 Tung-O Ancient Trail - 終點 Finish point :新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge (總共11公里 Total 11km)
第2段起點 Start point:新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge - 大澳梁屋兒童遊樂場 Leung Uk Children’s Playground Tai O - 羌山郊遊徑 Keung Shan Country Trail - 羌山 Keung Shan - 深屈道 Sham Wat Rd - 昂平路 Ngong Ping Rd - 昂坪360救援徑 Ngong Ping 360 Rescue Trail - 彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan - 法門古道 Fat Mun Ancient Path - 終點 Finish point :石門甲 Shek Mun Kap(總共18公里 Total 18km)
Participants are free to complete the two segments on any date during the race period. However, it is necessary to upload your race record within the race period (1st October - 15th November 2021). Running under no time limitation and finishing safely is the No.1 rule !
The total elevation of the whole course is 1277m. Participants can complete the course under One-time completion or Segmented completion.
For Self-supply Stations: please check the opening hours of the stores along the routes, please note that some may only open during daytime or weekends, especially the one located in Pak Mong Village. (Always wear a mask when entering any areas of the villages, including indoor public areas.)
參加者須於以下地點與號碼布拍照及上載照片(適用於一次性及分段完成之參加者)Participants are required to take pictures at the following location spot with your number bib and upload the proof in the system (Applicable for participants in both one-time and segments completion)
新基大橋 Sun Ki Bridge
深屈道 Sham Wat Rt
彌勒山 Nei Lak Shan
法門古道 Fat Mun Ancient Path
AllTrails :
29km - https://www.alltrails.com/explore/map/nei-o-0ae3f79?u=m
hikingtrailhk :
29km - https://hikingtrailhk.appspot.com/s/pUBIdO
報名日期 |Registration Period
2021年8月23日至10月15日|23th August - 15th October 2021
活動進行日期 |Racing Period
2021年10月1日至10月31日|1st October - 31th October 2021
領取選手包日期 |Race pack pick-up period
2021年9月25日至10月29日(詳情連結)|25th September - 29th October 2021 (Link)
報名費 |Registration fee
Registration fee-$280. Refund is not applicable for a confirmed registration status.
選手包內有 |Race pack includes
自由創作號碼布 | Race number bib
超輕透氣速乾紀念運動背心或Incylence運動襪一對 |Ultra light and breathable souvenir-vest OR INCYLENCE sport socks *one pair
完成電子証書 |Finisher E-Certificate
阿斯麥保健產品動力Q10| aXimed Advanced Q10
阿斯麥保健產品優惠卷 | aXimed products discount voucher
運動飲品一支 | Sport drinks *one
〈〈參加者可加購運動背心或INCYLENCE運動襪一對,每位參加者只限加購一件及一對襪〉〉|Participants are limited to ONE-time additional purchase for souvenir-vest and socks.

Ultra light and breathable souvenir-vest size is not changeable after the application form submitted **on First come First served rule. Another size will be provided if the size requested is out of stock. No try-on due to the hygiene reason.
*One pair of INCYLENCE sport socks (German brand / made in Italy/) color will be shipped randomly. The size is not changeable once the application form submitted **on First come First served rule. Another size will be provided if the size requested is out of stock. No try-on due to the hygiene reason.
Exclusive limited edition Paisley Vest
Ta-dah! We are launching the limited edition Paisley vest. Participants are welcome to purchase additionally under the Nei O virtual race.

23/8/2021 - 3/9/2021 加購,取衫日期:25/9/2021-29/10/2021
4/9/2021 - 17/9/2021 加購,取衫日期:8/10/2021-29/10/2021
18/9/2021 - 9/10/2021 加購,取衫日期:29/10/2021
Vest additional purchase NOTICE
Please pay attention to the additional purchase of the vest and socks as it takes time to manufacture and ship. There are two schedules for the additional purchase.*
23/8/2021 - 3/9/2021 additional purchase - pick up date: 25/9/2021-29/10/2021
4/9/2021 - 17/9/2021 additional purchase - pick up date: 8/10/2021-29/10/2021
18/9/2021 - 9/10/2021 additional purchase - pick up date: 29/10/2021*參賽者可於完成並提交時間及跑步記錄後自行下載電子証書
Participants can download the Finisher E-Certificate after submitting the finish time and running record online.
領取地點 丨Race Pack Collection
地點 Location:CHECK POINT - 補給站
日期 Date:2021年9月25日至10月29日 / 25th September - 29th October 2021
地址 Address:旺角通菜街123號Ladies Mall 2樓
(T.O.P及花園街政府大樓中間-入口於快富街SaSa 旁邊)
2/F, Ladies Mall, No.123 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok
(Between T.O.P & Fa Yuen Street Municipal Services Building. Entrance next to Fife Street Sasa Cosmetic store)
時間 Time:星期一至五下午午2時至8時三十分 / 星期六至日 上午11時至晚上9時
Mon-Fri 2pm - 8:30pm Sat - Sun 11am - 9pm
賽事組別 男/女 丨Category (Male /Female)
● 公開組(不設年齡限制)
● 青少年組(18-35歲)
● 壯年組(35-45歲)
● 進步組(45-55歲)
● 元老組(55歲以上)
● Open - no age limit
● Youth - 18-35
● Senior - 35-45
● Master - 45-55
● Veteran - over 55
*成績必須於2021年10月31日 23:59:59前上載。
** 主辦單位保留對獎項安排的最終決定權。
**排名成績將根據經過時間(elapsed time),移動時間(running time / moving time)不適用。
各組別冠軍可獲Topo Athletic | Ultraventure 2一對
各組別亞軍可獲Julbo 眼鏡一副
Top three places awards:
First place in each category wins ONE pair of Topo Ultraventure 2 sport shoes.
Second place in each category wins ONE pair of Julbo sport sunglasses.
Third place in each category wins ONE Ciele sport cap.
Notice for uploading and submitting the results:
*Participants must upload the results before the deadline : 23:59:59 on 31st October 2021.
**Ranking will be verified based on the submitted results and the naturerace hk reserves the rights to deny any suspicious results and implement time deduction correspondingly.
***Ranking and awards valid in one-time completion only!
** Naturerace HK reserves all rights to the final ranking results.
***All result cannot be resubmitted once verified
****The ranking result is calculated based on the elapsed-time, not the running time.
彌.澳丨攝影大獎 Nei O Photo contest
1) 只限彌·澳參加者參與
2) 拍攝之照片須顯示彌·澳號碼布
3) Inbox照片至Nei O Facebook 或Instagram (連結)
4) 把照片分享到個人Facebook 或Instagram 並設定為公開 hashtags #NeiO #NeiOvirtualrace #natureracehk #NeiOphotos
5) Like Nei O Facebook頁或 natureracehk Instagram(連結)
6) 照片須於2021年10月31日或前提交及分享
7) 無限製題材,但每位參加者最多可上載三張圖片
8) Have Fun!
Nei O Photo contest
Why not have fun in both trail running and photography? It’s your turn! We are looking forward to your stunning pictures of the trails, mountains, portraits or even funny little creatures along the Nei O trail. All participants of the Nei O virtual race are welcome to enter this photo contest. Topics and themes are limitless ! All participating photos must be related to the Nei O course only. ( Reminder : not allowed to intimate any dangerous postures! )
Get your photos with the most likes on IG / Facebook and win this contest ! Isn’t it easy ? The most liked one wins one pair of the Julio sport sunglasses, and the second place wins one set of selected Tingerlaat products while the third place wins one Tingerlaat product.
1) open to Nei O virtual race participants only
2)Nei O virtual race number bib must be showed in photos
3)Inbox the photos to Nei O Facebook or IG
4)share the photos on your facebook or IG (privacy setting: public), hashtag #NeiO#NeiOvirtualrace#natureracehk#NeiOphotos
5)Like the Nei O facebook page and natureracehk IG(link)
6)Photos must be uploaded and shared before 23:59:59 on 31 October 2021
7)Unlimited themes but each participant is allowed to upload 3 photos only !
8)Have fun !
Naturerace HK reserves all the rights to the final decision.
參加方法很簡單,每位參賽者將會收到一張印有基本資料的號碼布,參加者可自由創出號號布樣式(可繪畫丶可拼貼丶可畫法、甚至編織…等等無限形式創作),完成創作後需在進行活動期間帶上,並需將作品上載到大會email 並簡述其創作作品。詳情留意如何參加。
將會選出五名最有創意的作品,並會送出ciele 運動帽。
Creative Number Bib campaign
We are inviting you all participants to join this campaign after receiving the number bib with your basic race info. The easiest way to enter this campaign is creating your own style number bib through painting, drawing, collages, knit, crochet or any other art styles ! Wear your own style number bib with you while running the Nei O course, and then upload your masterpiece picture to the natureacehk’s email with a brief explanation of your artwork. Total five most creative works will be selected by Natureracehk and win one Ciele sport cap accordingly. Details please refer to the rules below.
1) 只限彌·澳參加者參與
2) 拍攝號碼布照片
3) Inbox照片至Nei O Facebook 或Instagram (連結)
4) 把照片分享到個人Facebook 或Instagram 並設定為公開 hashtags #NeiO #NeiOvirtualrace #natureracehk #NeiOphotos #CreativeNumberBib
5) Like Nei O Facebook頁或 natureracehk Instagram(連結)
6) 照片須於2021年10月31日或前提交及分享
7) 無限製題材,自由創作
8) Have Fun!
1)open to Nei O virtual race participants only
2)take the best photo of the finish number bib
3)Inbox the photos to Nei O Facebook or IG
4)share the photos on your facebook or IG (privacy setting: public), hashtag #NeiO #NeiOvirtualrace #natureracehk #NeiOphotos #CreativeNumberBib
5)Like the Nei O facebook page and natureracehk IG(link)
6)Photos must be uploaded and shared before 23:59:59 on 31 October 2021
7)Unlimited themes,topics and style. Create your own artwork!
8)Have fun !
Naturerace HK reserves all the rights to the final decision.
所有禮品金額總值港幣HK$40,000. 仲等緊咩, 報名啦~
All rewards and souvenirs worth a total of $40,000 hk dollars. Sign up for registration NOW !
website : https://natureracehk.wixsite.com/natureracehk
email : neiohk1277@gmail.com
Event information
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 280.00 HKD |
29 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
NatureRace HK
In case of questions about the event please contact NatureRace HK:
neiohk1277@gmail.com | |
https://natureracehk.wixsite.com/natureracehk |