參加者及親友可同時下載 「跑食日常」 Strava程式,將跑步里數貢獻參與「F&B Run Club – 奔向月球」善舉,達到384,400 公里從地球走到月球的目標,共同為慈善出一分力!
Run for Taste @ Victoria Harbour Run is a unique virtual run event. In hopes of encouraging all age groups to take a step towards participating in exercises through running or walking along the Victoria Harbour promenade from Causeway Bay to Central. Participants can enjoy beautiful scenery of Victoria Harbour, as well as enjoying all the selfie-artwork spots along the pathway. At the same time, participants can also be enjoying delicious food, drink and prizes after the run.
The event set up various categories for participant of different preferences and abilities (including their pets). Everyone signed up for this challenge will get great souvenir gifts and special discounts on shopping, food and drinks.
By signing up the “Run for Taste” club in Strava App, participants can also be contributing charity miles by helping "F&B Run Club - Run to the Moon" project, the mission is to reach the 384,400 km goal (equivalent to the distance from the earth to the moon).
Join us in Run for Taste @ Victoria Harbour run for this summer!
選手包及活動後禮品 Race Pack, and Post Event Gifts:
組別及報名費 Category & Registration Fee:
Various Categories are available for participants of different preferences and abilities.
路線資料 Course:
The event course goes through various scenic locations and artwork selfie check points along the Causeway Bay and Central harbourfront. Participants can enjoy beautiful view of Victoria Harbour from dust till dawn.
Participants of challenge category need to complete whole 8Km, and takes picture on any 4 out of 14 photo check points (number bib shown). Photos and link of Strava activity record is needed to upload to event web site before event deadline.
Participants of Leisure Category, Couples Category, Family Category, or Run with pet Category only need to complete part of the course (if not full course)according to their ability or personal preference. They need to takes picture on any 4 out of 14 photo check points (number bib shown) and upload the photos to the event web site before event deadline.
The course starts from the Statue of Queen Victoria at Victoria Park, and then exit from Victoria Park crossing the foot bridge of Victoria Park Road to Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter. Then passes through Hung Hing Road, Wanchai Water Sports and Recreation Precinct, Pierside Precinct, Wan Chai Temporary Promenade, Central and Western District Promenade to Central No.9 Public Pier in front of Hong Kong Observation Wheel as turning point and return to the Statue of Queen Victoria at Victoria Park by passing through Golden Bauhinia Square and Ani-com Park on the way back.