越嶺Virtual 將於2021年4月2日至5月9日舉行,賽事距離有8、15及27公里,總爬升分別約500、700及1,400米。賽事路線主要圍繞著九龍油塘和將軍澳的山峰環走一圈,沿途經過多條晨運徑、郊遊徑、陡坡山徑和衛奕信徑,多角度遍覽東九龍群山壯麗景致和維港兩岸風景。
Mountain Range Virtual will be held from 2 April to 9 May 2021. The race offers different distance courses of 8km, 15km and 27km with about 500m, 700m and 1400m elevation gain respectively. The race courses mainly revolve around the mountain peaks in Yau Tong and Tseung Kwan O, with passing through a numerous trail included different terrain in morning trail and Wilson Trails, hidden gem excitement will be found along the way too. A multi-angle view of the seascape and landscape of Kowloon East and the beauty scenery of Victoria Harbour will be escort you on the way!

8公里郊遊歡樂組 - 適合越野跑初學者一試身手,喜歡徒步行山的朋友,以及親子家庭樂,欣賞風景的同時,享受路線帶來的樂趣,來一趟稍稍遠離城市的輕越野。
8km – Happy Newbies
Suitable for beginners to taste the fun of trail running, also good for hiker and family to explore the mountains, enjoying the scenery while dancing on the route.

15公里峰迴路轉組 - 可跑性極高的的混合路線,對於有越野跑經驗的朋友來說已經駕輕就熟,初學者亦可以向此難度挑戰,考驗越野跑的綜合能力。
15km – A Twist in the Peak
Mixed flavor with various terrain, some stereotyped also some runnable path. If you’re experienced trail runner, this route is good for speed. If you’re beginners, recommended to take up the challenge and enhance the trail ability!

27公里翻山越嶺組 - 最具挑戰性和精彩的九峰連走路線,地形變化多端,高低起伏考驗腳力,適合富有越野跑經驗的朋友參加,廣闊的九龍群山景色,定會帶來前所未有的視覺享受。
27km – Mountain Range Challenger
The most challenging and exciting nine peaks route. Suitable for an experienced trail runner, if you’re looking for a race more than ordinary, this is tailor made for you. Apart from completed the 9 peaks, there’s also some stunning scenery rewarded. Are you ready for the challenge? You would be amazed!
賽事日期: 2021年4月2日 - 2021年5月9日
起點: 井欄樹村涼亭 / 油塘鯉魚門邨 - 高超道
終點: 油塘鯉魚門邨 - 高超道
賽事距離: 8公里,15 公里 & 27公里
報名費: 港幣$250
Event Information:
Event Date: 2 April 2021 - 9 May 2021
Event time: Anytime during the event date
Start: Lei Yue Mun Estate, Yau Tong / Tsang Lan Shue Village
Finish: Lei Yue Mun Estate, Yau Tong - Ko Chiu Road
Distance: 8km, 15km & 27km
Entry Fee: HK$250
選手包豐富禮物 :
1. 號碼布
2. 便攜折疊扇
3. 輕巧透氣運動帽
4. 鯉魚門紹香園稀有糖堅果棒
Fabulous gifts in race pack:
1. Race bib
2. Folding fan
3. Breathable running cap
4. The Walnut Shop Go-Nuts Bar

完賽紀念禮物 :
Finisher gifts :
Enamel Finisher Cup
2 in 1 Waterproof Pocket

參加者請於以下日期到CHECK POINT 補給站領取選手包:
日期: 2021年4月2日(星期五)至5月2日(星期日)
完賽參加者請於以下日期到CHECK POINT 補給站領取完賽禮物:
時間: 星期一休息
星期二至星期五 (2:00pm - 8:00pm)
星期六至星期日 (11:00am - 9:00pm)
地址: CHECK POINT 補給站 - 旺角通菜街123號Ladies Mall 2樓
(旺角港鐵站B2出口 - Ladies Mall入口於快富街SaSa旁邊)
* 請出示參加者領取選手包電郵 / 完賽確認電郵,便可以親自或代朋友領取
如加購了紀念Tee, 將會在5月發出電郵通知領取
Race Pack Collection
Participant is able to collect their race pack in Check Point Sports at the below date:
Date: (Fri) 2 April - (Sun) 2 May 2021
Finisher Gift Collection
Finisher is able to collect the finisher gifts in Check Point Sports at the below date:
Date: (Fri) 23 April - (Sun) 9 May 2021
Time: Monday is closed
Tue - Fri ( 2:00pm - 8:00pm)
Sat - Sun (11:00am - 9:00pm)
Venue: Check Point Sports
2/F, Ladies Mall, No.123 Tung Choi Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon
(Mong Kok MTR station exit B2)
* Please show your or your friend's collection email / finisher confirmation email to pick up the race pack / finisher gifts.
If you have ordered a souvenir tee, we will send you a collection email of picking up in May.