我的港島 • My Island
"我的港島" 是一個關於港島區的活動, 籍著 "我的港島", 令大家可以重溫港島區的情懷及欣賞其優美景色, 希望透過這次活動的照片為大家保留一點關於港島的回憶; 因為很多舊有的景色與面貌將會逐漸成為歷史。
"My Island" is a trail run event held in Hong Kong Island. Not only brings Runners to revisit about the society and spectacular scenary, but also shared and recorded the memorable moment of our Hong Kong Island. We strong believed most of the scene may change and demolish very soon.
Event Period : 20th Mar 2021 to 18th Apr 2021
活動費用: $198 (早鳥價9折)
Event Fee : $198 (10% off during Early Bird period)
* 活動紀念T-Shirt $198 (加購, 另有童裝可以訂購)
* Event Tee shirt $198 (optional, child size also available)
* 活動T-Shirt印名服務 $50 (需另外訂製, 需時大概兩星期)
* Optional Tee Shirt custom "Name" +$50 (by order and additional 2 weeks production time)

路線: 南朗山 > 香港仔水塘 > 西高山頂 > 太平山
Route : Brick Hill (Nam Long Shan) > Aberdeen Reservoir > High West > Victoria Peak
全長: 20 km
Route Distance : 20.5 km
總攀升: 1497m
Total Elevation : 1497m
Suggested finish within 12 hours

GPX Link:
完賽規則:所有參加者需在20/3/2021 - 18/4/2021 內一次性完成指定路線。
Rules : Participants are required to complete the event all at once with the designated route within the period from 20th Mar 2021 to 18th Apr 2021.
(1) 編輯代碼 (在收據上面有顯示)
(2) 完成比賽的GPX紀錄
(3) 打咭自拍相片(連號碼布)
Event rules :
Participants should complete virtual run between 20/3/2021 - 18/4/2021 in one go and upload your results to the link below.
Please enter:
(1) Edit code (Show in receipt above)
(2) GPX link of your completed record
(3) Selfie photos at checkpoints with your Bib
活動前禮品包 Participants Pack :
•號碼布 (Bib)
•號碼布扣 (Bib Buckle)
•名信片已付郵費 (Postcard with stamp)
•冰巾 (Towel)
•護腕 (Wristband)
•Trigo Energy Gel
•寶礦力水特粉裝沖劑 (Pocari Sweat powder)
•SOYJOY大豆果滋棒 (Soyjoy soy bar)

完賽豐富禮品 Complete Pack :
The first 300 participants will receive Mizuno mask
•oofos coupon
•Feetures Coupon
•Sportan Coupon
•Checkers Coupon
•手工啤酒 (Handmade Beer)
•個人訂制相架 (Personalized photo frame)
•健盈藥貼 (Healthy Patch)

參加者可於 18/03/2021 - 18/04/2021 任何營業時間前往 Action Panda 運動用品專門店領取
地址: 觀塘道 460號 觀塘工業中心 2期 4樓 P室
時間: 12:00 - 20:00 (星期一至星期五)
12:00 - 19:00 (星期六,日)
Event welcome pack redemption address :
Date : 18/03/2021 - 18/04/2021
Time : 12:00 - 20:00 (Monday to Friday)
12:00 - 19:00 (Sat, Sunday)
參加者可於 03/05/2020 - 31/5/2021 任何營業時間前往 Sportan 店領取完賽禮品
地址: 觀塘成業街19-21號成業工業大廈13樓1323室
時間: 12:00 - 20:00 (星期一至星期五)
11:00-15:00 (星期六)
Event finisher pack redemption address :
Date : 03/05/2020 - 31/5/2021
Time : 12pm to 8pm (Mon - Fri)
11:00-15:00 (Sat)
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Address : Room 1323, 13/F, Shing Yip Ind. Bldg., 19-21 Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kln
Tel : 5541-4440
1. 參加者須依照指示路線一次過完成活動,但參與次數不限,只可上載紀錄一次,主辦單位理解不同手錶及手機所記錄的路線及距離有所差異,在核實成績將有一定程度的彈性處理。
Participants are required to complete the event all at once with the designated route. The number of participations is unlimited and the record can only be uploaded once. The Organizer understands the varies on routes and distances recorded by different watches and mobile phones hence will have a certain level of flexibility in verifying the results.
2. 路線沿途不設補給站。建議參加者帶備不少於2000ml飲料及適量食物補充,或安排支援,是次活動准許其他人沿途進行支援。請帶備身份證、少量現金($200)、八達通及設本地通訊的手提電話。
There are no supply stations along the route. Participants are recommended to bring no less than 2000ml of drinks and appropriate amount of food supplements, or to arrange support, as we allow third parties to support along the way. Please bring your ID card, a small amount of cash ($200), OCTOPUS and a mobile phone with local network.
3. 建議大家穿著越野跑鞋, 使用手套及行山杖參加。請注意山勢險峻, 務必注意安全。
It is recommended to wear cross-country running shoes, gloves and bring a walking sticks in participating.
4. 請儘量保持安靜,避免喧嘩或影響當地居民。
Please keep quiet, do not make noise or trouble the tenants.
5. 所有參加者需要展示本活動之號碼布在地標拍照打咭作為紀錄之用,及上載至大會指定網址。
All participants are required to display the number tag of the event. Check- in with photographs at landmarks are for recording purposes; upload to the designated web site of the Organizer.
6. 建議參加者沿著大會路線進行活動前,先了解路線資料,同時下載GPX檔案至手機或手錶。作導航用途。完成里數不得少於大會路線所定的里數。如發現不依照大會指定路線完成,大會有權不給予完賽禮品。
Participants are recommended to study the route data and download GPX files to their mobile phones or watches before the event starts for navigational purposes. The number of miles completed shall not be less than the number determined by the organizer. If one was found his/ her route did not follow the organizer’s designated route. The Organizer has the right to not grant the prized gift.
Participants should be aware of social distancing restrictions. Please keep social distance even exercising. You are only exempt from mask wearing in country park area. Please wear your mask in non-country parks and when not exercising.
8. 參加者橫過馬路時必須遵守交通指示及留意路面情況,務必注意安全。
Participants must follow traffic instructions and pay attention to road conditions when crossing the road, safety comes first.
9. 參加者如遇惡劣天氣及身體如有不適,請立即停止活動。
Please stop any activities immediately in case of bad weather and physical discomfort.
10. 參加者請善待環境,請勿在路線上亂拋垃圾
Please be kind to the environment and do not litter on the way.
11. 大會建議參加者自行購買個人意外保險,大會對參加者安全一概不負責任。
The organizer recommends all participants should purchase their own personal accidental insurance. We are not responsible for the safety of participants.
12. 大會保留對所有參加者資格、修改及解釋以上規則的權利的最終決定權。
The organizer reserves the final right on all participants’ qualifications, modifications and interpretation on above rules.
13. 所有報名不設退款及不設轉讓。
All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.
14. 16歲以下參賽者需家長同意方可參加, 並於活動當日必須有教練陪同下參與
Participants under the age of 16 need parental consent to participate, and must be accompanied by a coach on the day of the event.
"我的港島" 是一個關於港島區的活動, 籍著 "我的港島", 令大家可以重溫港島區的情懷及欣賞其優美景色, 希望透過這次活動的照片為大家保留一點關於港島的回憶; 因為很多舊有的景色與面貌將會逐漸成為歷史。
"My Island" is a trail run event held in Hong Kong Island. Not only brings Runners to revisit about the society and spectacular scenary, but also shared and recorded the memorable moment of our Hong Kong Island. We strong believed most of the scene may change and demolish very soon.
Event Period : 20th Mar 2021 to 18th Apr 2021
活動費用: $198 (早鳥價9折)
Event Fee : $198 (10% off during Early Bird period)
* 活動紀念T-Shirt $198 (加購, 另有童裝可以訂購)
* Event Tee shirt $198 (optional, child size also available)
* 活動T-Shirt印名服務 $50 (需另外訂製, 需時大概兩星期)
* Optional Tee Shirt custom "Name" +$50 (by order and additional 2 weeks production time)

路線: 南朗山 > 香港仔水塘 > 西高山頂 > 太平山
Route : Brick Hill (Nam Long Shan) > Aberdeen Reservoir > High West > Victoria Peak
全長: 20 km
Route Distance : 20.5 km
總攀升: 1497m
Total Elevation : 1497m
Suggested finish within 12 hours

GPX Link:
完賽規則:所有參加者需在20/3/2021 - 18/4/2021 內一次性完成指定路線。
Rules : Participants are required to complete the event all at once with the designated route within the period from 20th Mar 2021 to 18th Apr 2021.
(1) 編輯代碼 (在收據上面有顯示)
(2) 完成比賽的GPX紀錄
(3) 打咭自拍相片(連號碼布)
Event rules :
Participants should complete virtual run between 20/3/2021 - 18/4/2021 in one go and upload your results to the link below.
Please enter:
(1) Edit code (Show in receipt above)
(2) GPX link of your completed record
(3) Selfie photos at checkpoints with your Bib
活動前禮品包 Participants Pack :
•號碼布 (Bib)
•號碼布扣 (Bib Buckle)
•名信片已付郵費 (Postcard with stamp)
•冰巾 (Towel)
•護腕 (Wristband)
•Trigo Energy Gel
•寶礦力水特粉裝沖劑 (Pocari Sweat powder)
•SOYJOY大豆果滋棒 (Soyjoy soy bar)

完賽豐富禮品 Complete Pack :
The first 300 participants will receive Mizuno mask
•oofos coupon
•Feetures Coupon
•Sportan Coupon
•Checkers Coupon
•手工啤酒 (Handmade Beer)
•個人訂制相架 (Personalized photo frame)
•健盈藥貼 (Healthy Patch)

參加者可於 18/03/2021 - 18/04/2021 任何營業時間前往 Action Panda 運動用品專門店領取
地址: 觀塘道 460號 觀塘工業中心 2期 4樓 P室
時間: 12:00 - 20:00 (星期一至星期五)
12:00 - 19:00 (星期六,日)
Event welcome pack redemption address :
Date : 18/03/2021 - 18/04/2021
Time : 12:00 - 20:00 (Monday to Friday)
12:00 - 19:00 (Sat, Sunday)
參加者可於 03/05/2020 - 31/5/2021 任何營業時間前往 Sportan 店領取完賽禮品
地址: 觀塘成業街19-21號成業工業大廈13樓1323室
時間: 12:00 - 20:00 (星期一至星期五)
11:00-15:00 (星期六)
Event finisher pack redemption address :
Date : 03/05/2020 - 31/5/2021
Time : 12pm to 8pm (Mon - Fri)
11:00-15:00 (Sat)
Closed on Sundays and Public Holidays
Address : Room 1323, 13/F, Shing Yip Ind. Bldg., 19-21 Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kln
Tel : 5541-4440
1. 參加者須依照指示路線一次過完成活動,但參與次數不限,只可上載紀錄一次,主辦單位理解不同手錶及手機所記錄的路線及距離有所差異,在核實成績將有一定程度的彈性處理。
Participants are required to complete the event all at once with the designated route. The number of participations is unlimited and the record can only be uploaded once. The Organizer understands the varies on routes and distances recorded by different watches and mobile phones hence will have a certain level of flexibility in verifying the results.
2. 路線沿途不設補給站。建議參加者帶備不少於2000ml飲料及適量食物補充,或安排支援,是次活動准許其他人沿途進行支援。請帶備身份證、少量現金($200)、八達通及設本地通訊的手提電話。
There are no supply stations along the route. Participants are recommended to bring no less than 2000ml of drinks and appropriate amount of food supplements, or to arrange support, as we allow third parties to support along the way. Please bring your ID card, a small amount of cash ($200), OCTOPUS and a mobile phone with local network.
3. 建議大家穿著越野跑鞋, 使用手套及行山杖參加。請注意山勢險峻, 務必注意安全。
It is recommended to wear cross-country running shoes, gloves and bring a walking sticks in participating.
4. 請儘量保持安靜,避免喧嘩或影響當地居民。
Please keep quiet, do not make noise or trouble the tenants.
5. 所有參加者需要展示本活動之號碼布在地標拍照打咭作為紀錄之用,及上載至大會指定網址。
All participants are required to display the number tag of the event. Check- in with photographs at landmarks are for recording purposes; upload to the designated web site of the Organizer.
6. 建議參加者沿著大會路線進行活動前,先了解路線資料,同時下載GPX檔案至手機或手錶。作導航用途。完成里數不得少於大會路線所定的里數。如發現不依照大會指定路線完成,大會有權不給予完賽禮品。
Participants are recommended to study the route data and download GPX files to their mobile phones or watches before the event starts for navigational purposes. The number of miles completed shall not be less than the number determined by the organizer. If one was found his/ her route did not follow the organizer’s designated route. The Organizer has the right to not grant the prized gift.
Participants should be aware of social distancing restrictions. Please keep social distance even exercising. You are only exempt from mask wearing in country park area. Please wear your mask in non-country parks and when not exercising.
8. 參加者橫過馬路時必須遵守交通指示及留意路面情況,務必注意安全。
Participants must follow traffic instructions and pay attention to road conditions when crossing the road, safety comes first.
9. 參加者如遇惡劣天氣及身體如有不適,請立即停止活動。
Please stop any activities immediately in case of bad weather and physical discomfort.
10. 參加者請善待環境,請勿在路線上亂拋垃圾
Please be kind to the environment and do not litter on the way.
11. 大會建議參加者自行購買個人意外保險,大會對參加者安全一概不負責任。
The organizer recommends all participants should purchase their own personal accidental insurance. We are not responsible for the safety of participants.
12. 大會保留對所有參加者資格、修改及解釋以上規則的權利的最終決定權。
The organizer reserves the final right on all participants’ qualifications, modifications and interpretation on above rules.
13. 所有報名不設退款及不設轉讓。
All registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable.
14. 16歲以下參賽者需家長同意方可參加, 並於活動當日必須有教練陪同下參與
Participants under the age of 16 need parental consent to participate, and must be accompanied by a coach on the day of the event.
Event information
20 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
From Mar 21, 2021 | 198.00 HKD |