25 January 2021 -
1 April 2021

RUN  Daruma cow run Basic Information

Sky Sportage Limited主辨的新春賽事!! 路線主要貫通三個有牛命名的山頭
水牛山, 黃牛山, 牛皮沙頂. 希望大家新一年與我們一齊行大運,開心過牛牛牛年!!  2021牛年一起來,一齊奔一齊犇!!

Sky Sportage Limited will held Lunar New Year event !! The route mainly run through three hills named of cow, Buffalo Hill, West Buffalo Hill , Ngau Pei Sha Teng .
Run together to the Year of the Ox !! I hope everyone have a great luck in the Year of the Ox!!

選手包包括以下豐富禮物 :
1. RUN號碼布
2. RUN紀念利是封3(各一包)
3. 山系新春開運毛巾套裝 (包括3 山系骰子)
4. CreaCarn 喚醒肌肉爆發力 能量食品X 1

Race pack including the below valuable gifts:
1. Daruma cow run race bib
2. Daruma cow run Red Pocket 3 style ( Each 1pack )
3. Mountain series Lunar New Year Lucky Towel Set (includes 3 mountain series dice)
4. CreaCarn ATP Power GEL x 1

參加者完賽後可獲得紀念禮物 :
1. 完賽紀念犇RUN大犇鈐
2. 輕便防水面料斜肩袋 ( 41)
3. 完賽電子證書

Participants who completed the race can get the below finisher gift :
1. Daruma cow run finisher cowbell
2. Lightweight waterproof fabric shoulder bag (choose 1 from 4)
3. E-Cert

日期: 2021125 (星期一) 222  (星期一)

時間: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (星期一至星期五)
           12:00pm - 7:00pm (星期六至星期日)
地址: Action Panda 運動用品專門店 - 觀塘道觀塘工業中心第二期四樓 P

 * 出示參加者領取選手包電郵, 便可以代朋友領取。

Race Pack Collection
 Participants are able to collect their race pack during the below date and time:

 Date: 25/01 (Mon )-22/02 (Mon) 2021
 Time: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (Mon - Fri)
            12:00pm - 7:00pm (Sat - Sun)
 Venue: Action Panda Professional Trail Running Gear Shop
 Flat P, 4/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, 460-470 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
 * You can also pick up your friend's race packs by showing the collection email.


日期: 2021216(星期二) -310( 星期三)
時間: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (星期一至星期五)
           12:00pm - 7:00pm (星期六至星期日)
地址: Action Panda 運動用品專門店 - 觀塘道觀塘工業中心第二期四樓 P

Finisher Gift Collection
​Participants are able to collect their finisher gifts during the below date and time:
Date: 16/02 (Tue )-10/03 ( Wed ) 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (Mon - Fri)
           12:00pm - 7:00pm (Sat - Sun)
 Venue: Action Panda Professional Trail Running Gear Shop
  Flat P, 4/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, 460-470 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
 Event information
25 January 2021
01 April 2021
Registration is closed

Sky Sportage Limited

In case of questions about the event please contact Sky Sportage Limited:

+852 3615 8592