Results submission - Key points
A. Make sure access rights to track links are set to public so that we can view them.
B. Report distance as kilometre-effort not kilometres - see below for definition and calculation.
C. Photo upload is for 'selfie' only, not for tracks or other purposes.
Results submission procedures
1. To finish HK100 Flex Outside Hong Kong you need to run the total required kilometre-effort over the running period on any outdoor routes.
2. The running period is 16 January to 15 February.
Kilometre effort = Distance (in kilometres) + [Elevation gain (in metres) / 100]: for instance, a run of 14km with 160m of elevation is equivalent for 15.6 kilometre-effort.
Total required kilometre-effort is 156 for the Full distance and 76 for The Half.
5. You may run as many times as you like - from one to many - to accumulate the total kilometre-effort required.
6. For each run, you are encouraged to submit your results on the same day, .
7. To add results, go to the 'Enter your result' tab and login using your personal edit code.

8. For each run enter the date, kilometre-effort (in the distance field), elapsed time and a 'public' web link to your recorded GPS track - see example below.

Access to track links must be set to 'public' so that we can view, with elapsed time, distance and elevation gain clearly displayed
10. Upon saving each run the total kilometre-effort and total elapsed time of all your runs will be updated.
11. You may upload a 'selfie' photo if you wish it to be displayed publicly.
12. Other photos are not allowed:
do not use photo upload for images of tracks.
13. Go to the 'My overview' tab at any time to see a list of all your runs, which you may edit or delete (prior to verification).
14. When your accumulated kilometre-effort matches the total required, Race Timing Solutions will review your results.
15. Once verified, your accumulated performance will be displayed under the 'Results' tab and you will no longer be able to edit or delete your runs.
A: 確保將GPS追蹤連結的訪問權限設置為公開,以便我們查閱。
B. 最終成績為路程及爬升總值而不單是跑步公里數 - 有關定義和計算,請參見下文。
C. 圖片上傳僅適用於上傳自拍照,而不適用於GPS追蹤圖像及其他用途。
1. 要完成HK100 Flex - Outside Hong Kong,只要在指定期間以任何戶外路線進行跑步及完成指定的路程及爬升總值則可
2. 賽事跑步期為1月16日至2月15日。
路程及爬升總值 = 距離(以公里為單位)+ [爬升(以米為單位)/ 100]:例如,跑了14 km以及爬升160m的高度相當於15.6 的路程及爬升總值。
5. 您可以根據自己的計劃決定跑步的次數(一次或多次),以累積活動所需的路程及爬升總值。
6. 我們建議您在同一天內提交所有跑步記錄。
7. 在成績上傳時,請點擊“輸入成績”,然後使用您的個人編輯代碼登錄。
8. 輸入跑步記錄時,請輸入日期,路程及爬升總值(於距離欄中輸入),使用時間以及設置為公開的GPS追蹤連結 -下圖為示範例子。
10. 當每次上傳跑步記錄後,您的路程及爬升總值和總使用時間將被更新。
11. 如果您希望和公眾分享您的賽事點滴,您可以上傳您的自拍照
13. 您可以隨時點擊“My overview”標籤查看所有已上傳的跑步記錄,如有需要,您可以編輯或刪除記錄(在成績驗證之前)。
14.當您的路程及爬升總值達到活動要求時,Race Timing Solutions將驗證您的成績。