Hong Kong 5 Peaks Virtual 香港五峰 Virtual
香港五峰Virtual 將於2021年1月13日至2021年2月15日舉行,賽事距離有10、16及25公里,總爬升分別約550、900及1300米。賽事路線主要圍繞著香港島中央的山峰環走一圈, 沿途經過多條郊遊徑、陡坡山徑、港島徑和衛奕信徑,以360度視覺遍覽香港島南區海景和維港兩岸景色。
Hong Kong 5 Peaks Virtual will be held from January 13, 2021 to February 15, 2021. The race distance is 10, 16 and 25 kilometers, and the total climb is about 550, 900 and 1,300 meters respectively. The race route mainly revolves around the mountain peaks in the center of Hong Kong Island, passing a number of country trails, steep slope trails, Hong Kong Island trails and Wilson trails along the way, providing a 360-degree view of the southern seascape of Hong Kong Island and the scenery on both sides of the Victoria Harbour.
10公里郊遊歡樂組 - 適合越野跑初學者一試身手,以及喜歡徒步行山的朋友,欣賞風景的同時,享受路線帶來的樂趣。
16公里峰回路轉組 - 地形變化多端的混合路線,對於有越野跑經驗的朋友來說已經駕輕就熟,初學者亦可以向此難度挑戰,考驗越野跑的綜合能力。
25公里越野挑戰組 - 最具挑戰性和精彩的五峰連走路線,適合富有越野跑經驗的朋友參加,攀爬陡坡的路況挑戰,定會帶來驚喜。
報名費: 港幣$200
報名截止日期 Registration Deadline: 31/1/2021
詳細地圖與GPX Link: https://www.mountainrangehk.com/hk5peaks10km

詳細地圖與GPX Link: https://www.mountainrangehk.com/hk5peaks16km

詳細地圖與GPX Link: https://www.mountainrangehk.com/hk5peaks25km

選手包包括以下豐富禮物 :
1. 號碼布
2. 防滑保護手套
3. 紀念頭巾
4. 超輕透氣運動帽
Race pack including the below valuable gifts:
1. Virtual run race bib
2. Protective Glove
3. Scarf
4. Breathable sports cap

參加者完賽後可獲得紀念禮物 :
1. 完賽電子證書
2. 原木柸墊
3. 防水小袋
Participants who completed the race can get the below finisher gift :
1. Finisher E-Cert
2. Wood coaster
3. Waterproof mini pocket

Race Pack Collection
Please email us at info@mountainrangehk.com to arrange the delivery of the race pack, we will ship it freight collect (HK$30) via SF Express.
You can choose SF store, SF service partner or EF locker location from SF network:
日期: 2021年2月1日(星期一)至11日(星期四)
時間: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (星期一至星期五)
12:00pm - 7:00pm (星期六至星期日)
地址: Action Panda 運動用品專門店 - 觀塘道觀塘工業中心第二期四樓 P 室
Finisher Gift Collection
Participants are able to collect their finisher gifts during the below date and time:
Date: 1 (Mon) - 11 (Thu) February, 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (Mon - Fri)
12:00pm - 7:00pm (Sat - Sun)
Venue: Action Panda Professional Trail Running Gear Shop
Flat P, 4/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, 460-470 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
Participants who completed the race during the Lunar New Year period from 12 to 15 February, please email us to deliver a finisher gift. We will send by SF Express and cost HK$30.
沿途風景 View:
紅香爐峰 Red Incense Burner Summit

紫羅蘭山 Violet Hill

聶高信山 Mount Nicholson

小馬山發射塔 Siu Ma Shan Signal Station

渣甸山標高柱 Jardine's Lookout

柏架山道天橋底 Mount Parker Road

香港五峰Virtual 將於2021年1月13日至2021年2月15日舉行,賽事距離有10、16及25公里,總爬升分別約550、900及1300米。賽事路線主要圍繞著香港島中央的山峰環走一圈, 沿途經過多條郊遊徑、陡坡山徑、港島徑和衛奕信徑,以360度視覺遍覽香港島南區海景和維港兩岸景色。
Hong Kong 5 Peaks Virtual will be held from January 13, 2021 to February 15, 2021. The race distance is 10, 16 and 25 kilometers, and the total climb is about 550, 900 and 1,300 meters respectively. The race route mainly revolves around the mountain peaks in the center of Hong Kong Island, passing a number of country trails, steep slope trails, Hong Kong Island trails and Wilson trails along the way, providing a 360-degree view of the southern seascape of Hong Kong Island and the scenery on both sides of the Victoria Harbour.
10公里郊遊歡樂組 - 適合越野跑初學者一試身手,以及喜歡徒步行山的朋友,欣賞風景的同時,享受路線帶來的樂趣。
16公里峰回路轉組 - 地形變化多端的混合路線,對於有越野跑經驗的朋友來說已經駕輕就熟,初學者亦可以向此難度挑戰,考驗越野跑的綜合能力。
25公里越野挑戰組 - 最具挑戰性和精彩的五峰連走路線,適合富有越野跑經驗的朋友參加,攀爬陡坡的路況挑戰,定會帶來驚喜。
報名費: 港幣$200
報名截止日期 Registration Deadline: 31/1/2021
詳細地圖與GPX Link: https://www.mountainrangehk.com/hk5peaks10km

詳細地圖與GPX Link: https://www.mountainrangehk.com/hk5peaks16km

詳細地圖與GPX Link: https://www.mountainrangehk.com/hk5peaks25km

選手包包括以下豐富禮物 :
1. 號碼布
2. 防滑保護手套
3. 紀念頭巾
4. 超輕透氣運動帽
Race pack including the below valuable gifts:
1. Virtual run race bib
2. Protective Glove
3. Scarf
4. Breathable sports cap

參加者完賽後可獲得紀念禮物 :
1. 完賽電子證書
2. 原木柸墊
3. 防水小袋
Participants who completed the race can get the below finisher gift :
1. Finisher E-Cert
2. Wood coaster
3. Waterproof mini pocket

Race Pack Collection
Please email us at info@mountainrangehk.com to arrange the delivery of the race pack, we will ship it freight collect (HK$30) via SF Express.
You can choose SF store, SF service partner or EF locker location from SF network:
日期: 2021年2月1日(星期一)至11日(星期四)
時間: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (星期一至星期五)
12:00pm - 7:00pm (星期六至星期日)
地址: Action Panda 運動用品專門店 - 觀塘道觀塘工業中心第二期四樓 P 室
Finisher Gift Collection
Participants are able to collect their finisher gifts during the below date and time:
Date: 1 (Mon) - 11 (Thu) February, 2021
Time: 12:00pm - 9:00pm (Mon - Fri)
12:00pm - 7:00pm (Sat - Sun)
Venue: Action Panda Professional Trail Running Gear Shop
Flat P, 4/F, Phase 2, Kwun Tong Industrial Centre, 460-470 Kwun Tong Road, Kwun Tong
Participants who completed the race during the Lunar New Year period from 12 to 15 February, please email us to deliver a finisher gift. We will send by SF Express and cost HK$30.
沿途風景 View:
紅香爐峰 Red Incense Burner Summit

紫羅蘭山 Violet Hill

聶高信山 Mount Nicholson

小馬山發射塔 Siu Ma Shan Signal Station

渣甸山標高柱 Jardine's Lookout

柏架山道天橋底 Mount Parker Road

Event information
10 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 200.00 HKD |
16 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 200.00 HKD |
25 km | |
Starts at 23:59 |
Price per participant
Price | 200.00 HKD |