大帽山,是香港最高的山峰,海拔957米。大帽山昂然屹立新界中部,傲視同群,你有信心攀上最高峰嗎 ? 一齊來為自己挑戰極限 !!
我地今次帶大家走到大帽山,用雙腳踏上最高峰!! 來吧,穿起你的跑鞋上山去!!
Tai Mo Shan is the highest mountain in Hong Kong, with an elevation of 957m. Located right in the central New Territories, it stands out among the hills. Any confidence to run up to the top? Let’s sign up for the great trail challenge!
We will bring you up to the top, COME ON! Wear your running shoes and go together!
選手包包括以下禮品 Race pack includes:
1. <大帽三吃>虛擬號碼布 < TAI MO 3> Virtual Run Two Side Race Bib
2. <大帽三吃Silcone 折叠環保350ML 咖啡杯< TAI MO 3> Silicone Collapsible Eco Coffee Cup 350ML
3. <大帽三吃> 防水收納包 10 L < TAI MO 3> Waterproof Sack Pack 10 L
4. <大帽三吃聯乘大帽山觀景台實木2021年座檯月曆< TAI MO 3> x
Wooden Desktop Calendar 2021
5. 大帽山蓮姐茶水亭美食套餐 Tai Mo Shan Kiosk Meal Set
完賽禮物Finisher Gift:
--完賽電子證書Finisher E-Cert
--紀念版大帽山原型獎座高20CM Limited Edition Tai Mo Shan Prototype Trophy (20cm Height)
<大帽1吃> 完賽者﹕精美不銹鋼紀念版保溫壺 500ML X 1 Stainless Steel Thermal Bottle 500ML
<大帽2吃> 完賽者﹕電子測溫不銹鋼紀念版保溫壺500ML X 1 LCD Temperature Display Stainless Steel Thermal Bottle 500ML X 1
<大帽3吃> 完賽者﹕夜光限定不銹鋼紀念版保溫壺500ML X 1 Limited Edition Glow in the Dark Stainless Steel Thermal Bottle 500ML x 1
Event period 活動時段: 20/11/2020 - 27/12/2020
The deadline to submit the results: 31/12/2020 請於2020年12月31日或之前上載成績