Flying Colours

Flying Colours

28 November 2020 -
5 January 2021

‘Flying Colours’ first edition turns VIRTUAL and will take you through Hong Kong Island between November 28 and December 27, 2020.

This new race is brought to you by Couleurs de Chine, a charity that promotes education of ethnic minority girls in Guangxi province since 1998.

Race Pack includes 選手包包括:

Finisher Gifts 完賽禮物:

Category Awards 年齡組別 (10KM & 22KM): 

-Under Age 16 (16歲以下)
-Age 16- 25  (16-25歲)
-Age 26- 40  (26-40歲 )
-Age 40 Above (40歲以上)

Trophies will be awarded to the top winner (Men & Women) in each category. Prizes will be announced later.
每組別的冠軍將得到獎座 (男子和女子). 獎品將容後公佈.

*1 ITRA points to be gained on the 22 km race*

 Event information
28 November 2020
20 December 2020
05 January 2021
Registration is closed
10 km

Price per participant
Price 280.00 HKD
22 km

Price per participant
Price 280.00 HKD

Sky Sportage

In case of questions about the event please contact Sky Sportage:

+852 3615 8592