Registration for Hong Kong Island will be opened at 12:00 noon on 18 Feb.港島賽事將會於2月18日中午12時開放登記。
Entry for the King Of The Hills Series 2018-19 will conducted by ballot registration. Ballot pre-registration will be opened on Wed 1st Aug. There will be no charge for entering the ballot. Each person may only enter the ballot once. Anyone found to be entering the ballot more than once will be eliminated from the ballot. Ballot pre-registration will close at 12nn on Wed 8th Aug. Results of the ballot will be announced by e-mail on Thu 9th Aug. Those successful in the ballot will be sent an e-mail invitation to register for as many races as they wish in the Series. Those not successful in the ballot will be put on a waitlist and will be assigned a waitlist number. Successful applicants will be required to complete registration no later than 10am on Fri 17th Aug, at which time their invitations will automatically expire. Any vacant slots arising will be offered to those on the waitlist, until the participant quotas for each race have been filled.
King Of The Hills Series 2018-2019系列賽名額將會以抽籤形式進行。抽籤預先註冊登記將於8月1日(三)開始。抽籤將不會收費。每個人只能進行一次抽籤。任何人被發現參加多於一次抽籤,將會從抽籤名單中取消其抽籤。抽籤預先註冊登記將於8月8日(三)中午12時正截止。抽籤結果將於8月9日(四)公佈。抽籤成功的中籤者將收到電子郵件邀請登記,並可以根據參加者意願從系列賽中登記等於或多於一項賽事。那些不成功的抽籤者將被列入等候名單,並將被分配一個等候名單號碼。成功中籤者需在8月17日(五)上午10時前完成註冊登記。如未能如期完成登記,屆時其註冊登記邀請名額將自動失效。任何空缺將會由等候名單上的人補上,直至填滿每場比賽的參與者配額。
KOTH Series 2017-18 award winners, will be given priority invitation to register for the 2018-19 Series.
KOTH 2017-18系列賽得獎者將獲得2018-19系列優先註冊登記邀請。邀請函將於7月31日(二)上午通過電子郵件發送。
If you have registered for a race but find that you are unable to participate, you may cancel at any time not less two weeks prior to that race and get a refund of $100. Cancellations requests should be sent to Any slots that are vacant two weeks prior to each race will be made available for public registration at 12 noon on the Monday 13 days prior to that race. If you cancel after the refund deadline, your slot will be offered for public registration, but you will not be entitled to a refund.